Today was the first day of classes, and I'm actually really excited for them. I feel like my Spanish has improved in the last few days already, and I've only been here for less than a week. The only thing is, is that we are about 45 minutes away by either walking, or taking the bus. For now, I like walking so we'll see how that goes for the rest of the week. The pictures below are from our first day here in Valencia, which was yesterday. Naturally at first I was very nervous around my new parents, but I feel like it is improving everyday. My roommate is very talkative, so she talks with the family more than I do, but I'm normally always quiet around people I do not know, no matter what language we're speaking.
I may actually be a coffee drinker now! Months ago on our housing questionnaire I wrote that I do not drink dairy. My host mom thinks that "soy alergico a los lacteos," and so she bought me soy milk. For some reason I am having a hard time explaining to her that its not that I'm allergic, I just don't like the way my stomach feels after I drink it. Oh well, hopefully soon she'll understand! This morning I had cafe con leche de soya (soy milk) and it was delicious! Breakfast is the smallest meal here, so we had coffee and a very very very small muffin. I didn't have enough time to come home for lunch in between classes so my host mom made me a bocadilla de peanut butter and jelly. For dinner we had pasta, chorizo, bread, and watermelon. She is always asking if I want to eat more, and I feel rude not eating more, but I don't exactly want to. I also feel bad saying that I do not want to eat so much bread because I don't want to offend her. I'm assuming they think I need to eat more than my roommate because I run in the morning, and they know that I'm training for the marathon here. My host dad even asked me to motivate him to start running again! ¡Qué bueno!
After dinner we watched tv together, and helped our dad read an article about Leonard DiCaprio because he wants to learn English. Helping someone who is eager to learn the language has made me think about pursuing my masters in ESL at TCNJ even more now. For now, I am taking my experience here day by day, and we'll see where this attitude takes me in December!
My roommate, neighbors, and me with their "host brother."
My roommate and I with our "host father"!
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