Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Whether you think you can, or whether you think you can't, you're right

That truly is one of my favorite quotes because your mind can determine whether you can do something, or not. Lately, I find that I have been putting myself down, and doubting the things I know I am capable of doing, especially with running and upcoming summer classes. Like I've said before, your mind can be your greatest supporter, or your biggest enemy.

I found this list of 10 Things to Remind Yourself on a Daily Basis on MindBodyGreen.

1. Do not lose sight of what truly matters. Does that clogged sink signify the end of the world? Are you going to remember or even care that the stranger you smiled at in the coffee shop didn’t smile back? When we’re having a bad day, we seem to zoom in on petty things and complain about them. Next time you’re pulling your hair out over something, ask yourself if it really matters. 

2. It is okay to be alone or pull back from the world. Sometimes we just need to step back and re-evaluate a situation, a relationship, or just life in general.  If you need to go into hiding for awhile and work on stitching yourself back up, take the time to do that. It is so important to pull back and spend quality time with yourself every now and then.

3. You are not always in control. You cannot predict when certain things will or should happen, or how everything will turn out. Sometimes you just have to stop pushing and let go.

4. What other people think is irrelevant. I was a miserable slave to the opinions of others. It got to a point where I was trying so hard to please everyone but myself. Don’t let your immediate reaction to criticism be to change whatever it is you’re being criticized for. Do whatever feels right to you, regardless of what other people have to say about it.

5. Don’t give up. If you’re fighting for something that means a lot to you, do not stop fighting whenever you happen to fall short. Remember why you are fighting for it.

6. You don’t have to know all the answers. No one ever has life all figured out. We are always learning and growing. Life itself is a mystery and it’s okay to feel clueless sometimes.

7. You are enough. All of us have had times in our lives where we have thought, “I’m not smart enough or pretty enough or strong enough or exciting enough to do _____.” Give yourself a chance instead of forming limiting beliefs.

8. Stay present. Try not to dwell on the past, or worry about the future. Take everything one day at a time.

9. Your feelings will not kill you. I know that heartbreak, grief, depression, or resentment might make you feel like you’re dead and breathing, but you have the strength to get through whatever life throws at you. Hold on and see yourself through it.

10. You are human. This is probably the biggest reminder of them all. You will make mistakes. You will hurt other people and other people will hurt you. You won’t always feel happy and positive. Next time you feel the urge to beat yourself up over any of these things, remind yourself that you are an imperfect human being instead.

Monday, June 25, 2012

Morning Yoga

I'm trying out new types of exercises for training this time around, and yoga is something I've always wanted to feel comfortable doing. I must say, it sure is intimidating going into a yoga class with the lights off, candles burning, unfamiliar music, and flexible people bending in all directions. It certainly is something you need to work toward, so I am trying this yoga routine every morning right when I get out of bed. It really is easy to do, and only takes about ten minutes. The best part is, if you topple over or lose your balance, you'll be the only one who knows!

This was taken from MindBodyGreen:

1. Chest to Thighs with Interlaced Hands
Stand at the back of your yoga mat with your feet together and carefully bow forward, hinging from your hips and not your low back. Reach your hands behind your back and interlace your fingers, pressing the palms together. Bend your knees and press your chest into and down your thighs, keeping your neck long. Hold for five breaths.

2. Sundial Salutation
With feet hip-distance apart, fold forward and place your hands on your elbows. Bring your torso toward the outside of the right leg and open your chest so that your left elbow points up toward the sky. Moving like a sundial, lead with your left elbow and slowly come up the right side, reaching up at the top and then continue to lower down the left side, keeping the chest open and the shoulders down. Repeat 3 times on each side.
3. Open Hip
From Downward Facing Dog lift your right leg all the way up to the sky behind you. Keeping the arms very strong, bend your right knee and stack your right hip over your left, opening up the hip, groin and thigh. Gently press the left heel down into the earth, being mindful to keep that heel from splaying out to the side.
4. Easy Lunge Twist
Step your right foot to the outside of your right hand so that your right foot is closer to the right edge of the mat. Turn your toes out to a 45 degree angle (like 10:00). Keep the left knee lifted and press the thigh up towards the sky. Press down into the earth with the left hand and open the right arm up towards the sky. Stay here for at least five breaths.

5. Low Lunge Variation
With your right toes pointing straight ahead and the outer edge of the right foot parallel to the outer edge of the mat, lower your left knee down to the earth. Place your hands on top of your right thigh or reach them up to the sky. Soften the tailbone down and draw the low belly off of the thigh. Stay here for five breaths allowing the right heel to energetically draw back and the left hip to energetically move down and forward towards the right heel.

6. Triangle Pose
Tuck the back toes under and spin the left heel down so that the heels are more or less in line with each other. Pressing down through the outer edge of the left foot, begin to straighten your right leg. Engage both legs and consider stacking your left hip over your right. Slide your right hand as far up your right leg as you need to so that you are not collapsing anywhere. Open the left arm up towards the sky, reaching out through the left fingertips.

7. Forearm Plank
With toes tucked, lower down onto your elbows and forearms. Keeping the hips in line with the shoulders and your knees off of the ground, stack your shoulders over your elbows, which should be no wider than shoulders distance apart. Keep the back of the thighs pressing up towards the sky, while guiding the heels back and the heart forward. Maintain a strong core and hold here for 30 seconds.
8. Malasana - Yogi Squat
Separate your feet a little bit further apart, maybe even as wide as your mat. Turn your toes out slightly. Bend your knees and lower your hips down towards the earth. Bring your hands to prayer in front of your heart and allow the elbows to gently guide the knees and thighs open, keeping length in the spine. Engage mula bandha to experience a greater sense of lightness.Stay here for at least five full breaths.

Remember, you have to crawl before you can walk. The more you work at it, the better you will become. Don't be discouraged if you are not a yoga master by the end of the week. 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Running for a Reason

In November, I am anticipating running my third marathon! This time I am running for a reason, and joining up with the Solemates team that benefits Girls on the Run. My goal is to run 1000 miles in the three months leading up to the race, in what I am calling "1000 Miles for Girls on the Run Smiles." While going the distance, I am asking for donations to keep the program growing. Since Girls on the Run is a nonprofit organization, donations will directly fund the program with materials, and cover the entry cost for girls who cannot afford to join. This is definitely going to be a challenge considering I typically run 1000 miles in a year. I am excited for the challenge ahead of me, and all the money I will be donating to Girls on the Run.

Here is the link to my page:

Consider sponsoring a mile, or making a donation today!

First Month of Training:



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Thursday, June 14, 2012

Crafting Motivation

In order to run countless miles, I mentally fuel myself with motivational quotes. Often, our greatest hurdle in running is not finishing the race itself, but overcoming a mind full of doubt. Before every race I try to put together a collage of pictures and quotes I find in running and health magazines. Even though this is from my first marathon, it still has a spot on my wall.

Recently, I painted one of my favorite Audrey Hepburn quotes onto a piece of wood to hang in my room as a constant reminder that I can do anything I challenge myself to. The quote states, "It always seems impossible until it is done." Think of all the times you thought success was nowhere in sight. Before a person graduates from college, receives a job, saves enough money for an expensive purchase, earns a spot on a team, or accomplishes anything great, there is always a time of doubt. If you find that you constantly doubt yourself, start each day by giving yourself a compliment, and recognizing a positive trait of yours. Like a collage, if you start piecing your positive qualities together, you will find that they create the beautiful, confident, and determined person that makes. 

Where do you find your motivation?

Friday, June 8, 2012

Last Practice

I cannot believe today is our last Girls on the Run practice. Since the middle of April, I have helped these girls run their best, and they have taught me things as well. Through this experience, I have learned how rewarding being a coach truly is. I was nearly in tears after all of them completed their first 5K, especially after hearing problems in their lives, including bullying and low self-esteem, that they conquered through running. I wanted to make their last GOTR practice as fun and memorable as possible, so the other coach and I are having a surprise party for the girls today. Instead of running laps, we are going to play games and have the opportunity to reflect on a great season that we shared together. After crafting all morning, I finally finished putting together their gift bags, and I hope they like them as much as I do!

I made each of the girls picture frames!

And door hangers with their initial.

And wrapped them all up in pink bags closed with a shoe lace bow for them to wear for their race tomorrow!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Road to Success

A while ago I mentioned setting goals, and I am happy to say that I have been accomplishing some of mine! I finally cut back on my online time, increased my training, and started eating clean. I have not felt this great in a while! Recently I started eating this salad that I came across on another blogger's page. Its called a goddess detox salad, and it is delicious! There are tons of options to make this, but here is what I settled on: 

It starts with a simple bagged mix of greens, carrots, onions, strawberries, blueberries, almonds, cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and this great low calorie salad dressing I came across at the grocery store yesterday.

At first I was not sure how I would like fruit mixed with vegetables, but it truly is a refreshing lunch. I encourage everyone to try this!

Girls On The Run

Girls on the Run is a great program for any young girl who aspires to be a runner one day, or who is simply looking for a way to make new friends. Each week I meet at a local park with a small group of girls in grades third through fifth to run, laugh, and be confident with who we are. For weeks we have been training for an upcoming 5K race at Rider University. It has been an incredible experience to watch and encourage these girls, who could barely run a quarter of a mile, to running three miles and beyond. Throughout the course of the program we have talked about many of the issues that are facing young girls today, including negative body image, having confidence, standing up for yourself, gossiping, and so forth. This past Friday we held a practice 5K in preparation of the upcoming race, and I am proud to say that all of the girls completed the 3.1 mile distance. I cannot wait to see how they will do in the actual race!